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A Network of Southern California Churches

Equipping for our mission together

About Lift

Lift is a community of friends encouraging and equipping one another to advance the message and mission of Jesus through His Church. Jesus lifted up a weary world, inviting everyone everywhere to come to Him for rest, for grace, for relationship with the Father, for forgiveness, for acceptance, for new and eternal life, and a compelling life mission to love one another as a community of friends on mission together.

Lift Network Mission

The Lift Church Leadership Network is committed to 5 mission-driven values:

5 mission-driven values:
We Lift up Jesus Christ

And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” (John 12:32). Jesus is the very center of our lives, the center of worship, the center of the Church, the center of our friendship, and the center of our mission. Lift is a Jesus-centered community of friends, ministers, and churches.

We Lift up the Gospel

Jesus traveled throughout the region announcing the Good News of the Kingdom. (Matthew 4:23). The Good News is the simple message that through Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of Heaven is near, and through His resurrected presence by His Spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven is here. The forgiving grace of God is here. New and eternal life in Christ is here. A new community of unconditional love is here. The invitation for everyone to believe and be transformed into the likeness of Christ by this message is here.

We Lift up one another

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35). Love for one another is the proof to the world that the love of Christ is real. A community devoted to one another unconditionally is the visible presence of God on earth (John 1:18). Ministry becomes a pleasure when we enjoy a friendship-driven community of encouragement.

We Lift up the burdened and weary

Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). The world is burdened by need, burdened by religious oppression, burdened by hatred, and burdened by contentions of all kinds. Jesus offers the world a lighter and easier life together, enjoying the unconditional love of God practiced by a new community of love He called His Church. The Church brings the rest and peace of God by the clear presentation of the Gospel message and the tangible ministry of helping people in need.

We Lift up the world around us

“You are the light of the world–like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5:14). The Church is the hope of the world, the presence of Christ by His Spirit loving the world like Jesus did, inviting everyone everywhere to know and experience His forgiving grace, and making the world brand new through love. In a restless, hurting, and bitterly-divided  world, the Church can be a vision of a better future, uniting the world to God and uniting the world to one another by God’s grace through Jesus Christ.

© 2024 Lift Church Network